Airtable Personal Access Token not working

Hey! I saw a post about API keys and OAuth no longer being supported… I had all all Oauth connections and got this error:

[403] Invalid permissions, or the requested model was not found. Check that both your user and your token have the required permissions, and that the model names and/or ids are correct.

I followed the advice of this post Airtable API key depreciation error despite OAuth connection - #6 by Michaela

Deleted all other connections & added a personal access token connection

Yet its still not working. I know the airtable is set up correctly bc when I add the connection it can pull all my airtable data, but when I run my webhook I get the same exact error

Any fixes? This is quite frustrating

You need to make sure your Personal Access Token has the right permissions. Adding the “schema.bases:read” scope might fix it for you