An issue with new Hubspot ‘Watch Notifications’ module


There still seems to be an error with the new modules.

There seems to be an issue with your new Hubspot ‘Watch Notifications’ module.

You cannot select : Deal – Specific property changed without getting and error 403 saying:

403 This app hasn’t been granted all required scopes to make this call. Read more about required scopes here: Working with OAuth… Error Messages: [One or more of the following scopes are required.{“requiredGranularScopes”:[“”,“”]}]. HubSpot Correlation ID: 3b1528b9-b7c5-4d1a-90c1-aa4f1d22e386.

Even when all scopes are selected.

When you select the exact scopes when creating the hook you can select the property you want to watch but the webhook does not create as it’s says bad request?

Do you have any ideas please?

The old module seems to work fine and can run and create webhook in custom hubspot apps as before.

Hello @Alpha_Decking welcome to the community :wave:

Can you please try to define your additional scopes in the ‘Custom Scopes’ section?