Array Aggregator Reverts Default Value in ifempty Function

I am using the Array Aggregator module in Make/Integromat and have encountered an issue with the ifempty function in the Text field.

I am setting the following formula to handle empty values:
{{ifempty(8.Order_Products__r.records[].Profit_Center__c; "000")}}

However, after pressing the OK button and saving the configuration, the formula is automatically changed to:
{{ifempty(8.Order_Products__r.records[].Profit_Center__c; "")}}

This results in empty strings instead of the default "000" value I want to use. Is this a bug, or am I missing something in how to configure this properly? How can I ensure that the value "000" is retained in the formula?

Any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated!

Hello @Kirill_Vodopianov,
You’re right. They convert 000 to “”(Blank), or during my testing, I also got 0(zero).

Another thing is technically they are correct about the meaning of a single 0 or just 3 zeros(000).

But in your use case if you need output as 000 when that variable is empty then you can try this
{{ifempty(8.Order_Products__r.records[].Profit_Center__c; "\000\")}}
This is returns \000\. you can replace it.

I hope this helps you.


Thanks a lot for your reply.
Could you please explain what do you mean “you can replace it”?
I basically need a text equals to 000.

Thanks in advance,

Hello @dilipborad,

I finally managed to solve the issue in a somewhat unconventional but functional way—by defining a team text variable and setting it to “000”.
It’s not the most elegant solution, but it’s the only one that worked for me.