✉ Automate Follow-Up of Email Leads a Week After

Problem Statement

Have you received an email/Gmail enquiry about your services, and you responded but there was no further replies from the user? This could result in lost sales.

Would it be nice if you could automate the sending of a reminder in the same Gmail thread a week later, to remind them that you are still awaiting their response?


The router is put there so you can disable the route when testing the first two modules.


Run daily at time of your choice.

1. Trigger module

Find all emails between 8 and 7 days ago, in a specific folder/label (e.g.: Leads), that was sent by you.

Insert your email address in the “Sender” field.

2. See if there is a later response from the user

Find all emails sent by the recipient after the date in the original email sent by you.

Make sure “Continue the execution of the route even if the module returns no results” is YES, because we want to send the reminder if there are NO results.

3. Continue if there are no results

Just check if “date” does not exist.

If date exist means there are results - we do nothing.

4. Send an email to the user

  • Quotes original email
  • Keep in the same Gmail thread (using the references array)


follow-up-a week-later-on-email-non-replies.json (24.5 KB)


You will need to set up a Google Restricted connection to your email.

For more information, see

How to create an OAuth app in GCP: https://www.make.com/en/help/tutorials/calling-google-apis-via-the--http-make-a-oauth-2-0-request--module ← FOLLOW THIS

1. Enable the Gmail API

Direct Link: Google Cloud console


2. Insert all the known Google Redirect URIs for your app

Direct Link: https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials

Here are all the known redirect URIs you need for your Google Cloud Console OAuth app. If you set these up, you can reuse the same GCP app for other Google apps and modules on Make.


Once you’ve set these up, you can use/reuse the same Make connection for all the supported Google apps & modules on Make - you’ll only have to enable the respective APIs for your custom app in Google Cloud.

3. Publish your GCP OAuth2 app

Direct Link: Gmail API https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/consent

You might need to set your OAuth application to “Production”, otherwise the credentials expire very frequently. For more information, see Gmail/Google Drive verification issues (error 400): how to solve

1. To do this, go to menu item “OAuth consent screen”

or click here https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/consent

2. Then click the button below if the Publishing status is not “In production”

4. Set up connection

Insert the GCP app client ID and secret here BEFORE clicking “Sign in”

Gmail example:


Hi, I’m trying to use the automation you created but mine is a bit different since my follow up emails include a custom link from the original email. I’m having trouble with this because it will still send the follow up email whether i respond to the original email or not. I want the follow up email to send if there is no response from the recipient.

Could this be your problem? In the template screenshots it says to map the “to:email”.

Hi guys!
I want to create this scenario but it seems I can’t add more than one “watch emails” module in my scenario.
I am uploading it below, can you advise me here?

blueprint (1).json (36.6 KB)

Thank you sooo much!

@Jana_Vasileska you do not use “Watch Emails” module at all.

Please refer to my previous screenshots for more information on the name of the module.

If you need further assistance, please start a new question thread.

samliewrequest private consultation

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hey Sam, thank you, I just saw that it’s actually get emails.
one last question ( I hope), I can’t find the 1.to.adress item, where is it located in the list?

If you need further assistance about specific modules, please start a new question thread.

While it’s tempting to continue an existing thread, a more effective approach would be to start a new topic. It helps other community users to respond to your query, and keeps our space organised for everyone. If you start a new conversation you are also more likely to get help from other users. You can refer others back to a related topic by including that link in your question. Thank you for understanding and keeping our community neat and tidy.

The “New Topic” link can be found in the top-right of the header:

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Hi, does it work for other email providers as well (gmail sender and gmail receiver)? I am wondering whether it’s worth to try to make email automations on my own (with make) but if it only works within gmail that’s not that great.