Email Follow Up Automation

This is more of a question for @samliew as he is the one that made this build. First of all just wanted to say this was a very clever solution and I appreciate you sharing this with everyone!

Quick question, if the gmail folder/label starts getting very full (let’s say 1000+), will this affect the workflow? Additionally would I need to make the “Maximum number of results” in step 2 a larger number?

It should not, since there are date filters.

No, the purpose of the second search is to check for any result. 1 is any result.


You’re the man! Are there any other instances (besides the ones listed below) that need to be true for this automation to work?

  1. Emails must be properly filtering into the correct label
  2. Lead cannot change the subject of the email when replying to the email

I think you got it. I can’t think of anything else.