Best Practices for Testing Email Processing Scenarios

I’m a developer, and new to, looking for advice on testing mailhook & other email scenarios efficiently.

I’ve got several scenarios that involve email processing. In most cases, I’m using a Mailhook trigger module to receive the emails.

Is there a best practice for testing email scenarios?

Here’s how I’m doing it: I placed a Set Multiple Variables module to map the values I care about from the email into variables. All modules downstream reference these variables instead of the trigger module directly.

I also created a Parse JSON module that sits inactive off to the side but contains a sample email.

When I want to do testing, I unlink the Mailhook module, link the Parse JSON module, and remap the variables.

This process is a bit manual, since whenever I change the data source, I have to manually change the variable values in Set Multiple Variables, which can be a bit tedious for scenarios with lots of variables.

Thanks everyone!