"Bot name not responding problem" Google Chat

“Bot name not responding problem”

Hi. I was able to make it work the google chat integration. Nevertheless there is a message saying that the bot is not responding. Look the video. 20.09.2024_08.32.07_REC

How can I remove that label?

Error on Logs from Google Console
insertId: “–ifav”
jsonPayload: {
@type: “type.googleapis.com/google.chat.logging.v1.ChatAppLogEntry
error: {
code: 3
message: “Can’t post a reply. The Chat app didn’t respond or its response was invalid. See “Receive and respond to Google Chat events” (Receive and respond to user interactions  |  Google Chat  |  Google for Developers).”
logName: “projects/pela-17-s4/logs/chat.googleapis.com%2Ferrors”
receiveTimestamp: “2024-09-20T14:41:29.667404091Z”
resource: {
labels: {
project_id: “pe-7-s4”
type: “chat.googleapis.com/Project
severity: “ERROR”
timestamp: “2024-09-20T14:41:29.595372Z”

Google error information.
Soluciona problemas relacionados con la app de Google Chat  |  Google for Developers.

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This issue might be due to the fact that when the POST request is made to the chatbot, no response is received.You can setup an response format like the example below for your chatbot

Best regards,

Msquare Automation
Platinum Partner of Make