Bubble.io Search Data Things


I have following problem. I want to change a User in Bubble.io Data Things when he buys the “full acces” to my site.

I have now a problem that when a user is a free trial user and buys full acces his status won’t be changed. I’m using digistore24 as payment processer and already connected it with make to bubble. So the normal workflow user buys (is not trial user) make set buyer to user database works.

So when a user is a trial user and buys full acces, I get "RuntimeError [400] USED_EMAIL / " so I implemented an error handler when ever this happens we will first search in the User Data things with the email get the unique ID from it and change the user in database to full acces.

But this isn’t working as planned.


[404] Constraint type not found text contains for field email and type User / NOT_FOUND



Automatic error handler

If you want to handle this error automatically, choose one of the following options. This will create a new error-handler route in your scenario. You can then expand the route in any way you like.

Input Bundle:
“limit”: 150,
“typeName”: “User”,
“sortField”: null,
“constraints”: [
“key”: “email”,
“value”: “email from digistore like in the screenshot above, that already is in bubble.io user database”,
“constraint_type”: “text contains”

I think I also tested most constraint_types.

The search for things works when I don’t set any contraints and the results looking like this:

“Created Date”: “2023-07-10T17:58:20.281Z”,
“Modified Date”: “2023-07-10T17:58:20.281Z”,
“user_signed_up”: true,
“authentication”: {
“email”: {
“email”: “email@address.com”,
“email_confirmed”: null
“_id”: “16890112345789x1355123456789”,


So, I need to match the email address from my Bubble app with the email address given by Digistore24, the payment provider, in order to obtain the user’s ID. I will use this ID to change the user’s access status in the next step with make.

Constraint not found error example:

Big thank you! :slight_smile:

Hi :wave:t5:

It is difficult to say from your screenshots but the issue has to be caused either by the “Field Name” or “Constraint Type”.

  • the field might have a different system name in Bubble. The field might also be case-sensitive.
  • the “All Types: Is Equal” might work better than the “Text” type.

If you are sure about the above, I guess you might contact the customer care team as they see the actual data/API calls and provide better help with your case.
