Can Google sheets trigger Watch changes only in a specific cell?

Hello cummunity.
I have a trigger -Watch changes (google sheets). Every time there’s a change in my google sheets (done manually), a piece of data needs to be added to my store. My problem is that I’d like the only change monitored to be limited to a specific cell. For example, only changes in column D. Is this possible? I didn’t saw any way to achieve this. How do I go about it ?

Thank you for reading

Thank you for your quick answer. Will try to get around with filters, as you wrote.

Best regards

Google Sheet Watch Changes module says it requires the Make for Google Sheets add-on.
In the add-on in Sheets, you can specify which range of which sheet you want to monitor, whether it’s a specific cell, or part of a row/column. If range is left blank, all changes are reported.


Sounds good. Thank you for your reply. Very useful.

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