Can't connect to GPT 4

I dont know why I can’t choose GPT-4 here. any tips to use GPT-4 in

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GPT-4 is only available once you have used a sufficient amount of their APIs to owe OpenAI at least a dollar. After your first payment, they will make GPT-4 available to you.

On July 6, 2023, we gave access to the GPT-4 API (8k) to all API users who have made a successful payment of $1 or more.

If you have a newer account, simply purchase $0.50 of credits.

For API accounts created after August 18, 2023, you can get instant access to GPT-4 after purchasing $0.50 worth or more of pre-paid credits.


Oh but my company already using this plan and the bill is more than $1

Should I change payment system to pre-paid billing?

Try disconnecting (cancelling) your existing payment plan, then reconnect and purchase some credits.

I did that, and the next day I had access to GPT-4 models:



You need to establish a connection to it after purchasing a ChatGPT-4 subscription plan, as it operates exclusively on paid plans. Once you’ve obtained your ChatGPT-4 subscription, set up the connection. I’ve followed the same process successfully after acquiring my subscription.

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