Can't connect to mongodb with connection string

I’ve tried many combinations possible, but I can’t.
My Mongodb is serverless, although I’ve tried before the free tier, so I’ve changed it to serverless as the instructions in the URL: MongoDB (

I’ve added an example database collection “sample_airbnb” and that’s the one I’m trying.
Also I’ve changed my username password in case something wrong and the database has permissions from that user.
Also I’ve added my IP address to access the database.

What else could I try?
Thank you

Experiencing this as well.

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Hello @Juan and @reviewfunnel

Thanks a lot for raising this in the community :pray:

We are currently not aware of any reported issues with our MongoDB modules.

I have two recommendations to try to help, though:

If neither of these suggestions does the trick for you, please open a ticket with us. This will allow for a more in-depth investigation.

Thank you :raised_hands:


As I was saying above, I’ve already done it. Opening a ticket. Thank you


I just solved this recently, you have to allow the IP’s of Make for your MongoDB.

This happened to me when Make shut off their IP’s for Integromat, and it knocked my MongoDB connection completely offline.

You’ll need allow Make IP addresses based on your region:


This is working now and that was the problem.
I’ve received also an e-mail from make (thank you Krisztián Németh).
Thank you both.