Change order of Airtable output fields

Hi everyone, how can I change the order of output fields in the Airtable search records module? In the CSV module I added afterwards, the fields are now added in the wrong column order. I already tried the following:

  • check ‘map output fields’, but if I add more than 1 field I get an error message, regardless of the syntax
  • Re-add the fields in Airtable (doesnt change the order)
  • Put a ‘set multiple variables’ module in between- does work, but quite hassle as I keep adding fields

For map output fields, I tried the following syntax (none work):

  • Name, Email
  • [Name, Email]
  • {Name}, {Email}
  • [{Name}, {Email}]

The same with the field IDs, and the toggle for column IDs on:

  • [“fldPLp068JZKjIAfP”, “fldPSgqOyfo65EqAE”]
  • etc