ChatGPT Module WON'T Execute, but no error raised

I lost significant amount of hours trying to sort this one out. No success thus far.

Is there anything getting passed to ChatGPT?
Its hard to tell from the little information you have provided, but my guess based on what you have provided is that the filter is blocking data that you may won’t to flow through, or OpenAI may not be configured properly.

Can you show the setup of OpenAI and the input that is going into it?

This is the configuration for Chat GPT:

This is the output of the Data Store: Null since there is nothing in the database:

At this point in time I feel like this must be a bug inside, since I am just not getting any sense out of it.

Put something in the database and try again.
You are passing nothing to the other modules, so they have nothing to process.

Unlikely its a bug with Make based on what you have shown

Try running the OpenAi module by itself, by right clicking and selecting Run this module only.
Then put some dummy message and body text into the Module Prompt when it comes up. This will help understand if the issue is with the ChatGPT module or what you are passing to it.