Please update the OpenAI GPT-3 for support GPT-3.5

I got a error

type	RuntimeError
message	[404] This is a chat model and not supported in the v1/completions endpoint. Did you mean to use v1/chat/completions

Same, I think that Make needs to update the different parameters, because it seems that they are not the same


UP :slight_smile: The same here. I think maybe model list is updated from OpenAI not set in Make code

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Hi, there. The same here.
I’d like to shoot an explainer video in Japan asap.

Could somebody please let us know when you’ll fix this issue?
It seems to be not difficult though.


Please do Make! I’m refreshing this thread

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Hey folks, welcome to the community :wave: and thanks a lot for bringing this huge topic up!

The team is 100% on it. I’m keeping an eye on this and will make sure to post an update here as soon as this gets published.

Stay tuned :soon:


up We need this! I am following this topic!

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Go go go… Perhaps the endpoint URL for this module could become a field which we can edit/configure. Could be the easier solution.
Hope to see the update soon!


Has this issue already been settled?

Hey folks, it’s awesome to see your everyone’s excitement about this!

This is currently in testing and will certainly be released soon. I will let you know as soon as I learn that it’s out there :raised_hands:


wen chatgpt?:grin::grin: We need it

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Hello Michaela sounds great! Is there a way I can be informed about updates of Moduls?

Hello there @ThorstenO :wave:

You could set up your community profile to receive notifications about new App Digest posts. They are monthly summaries of the apps & modules we released on Make.

The tag to watch out for is :arrow_right: #monthly-app-digest :arrow_left:

Hi Michaela,

i hope the release will happen fast cause lots of us need GPT 3.5 turbo to stay competitive. Moreover, I try the workflow on Zapier and it’s already on action.

Thanks in advanced,


Because of their hard works, now, it seems to be possible to use gpt-3.5-turbo model with module by choosing “Create a Chat Completion” method. It allows as to choose gpt-3.5-turbo model.

And it’s actually working.

Do we need to keep waiting for official announcement? or can we go as is?

Heya @mujinca :wave:

I see that the module is already up and running, that’s true. There has been no official statement about this yet because there’s still some documentation to be done. For that reason, the process of the release is not recognized as complete yet.

The module’s there, though, so feel free to use it :tada:


Thank You Guys for Making It

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A really warm thank you :pray: Lot of things are possible right now :partying_face:

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Alrighty, all’s been documented so it’s now 100% official.

Hey everyone @here :wave:

Just thought I’d let you know about this update 🔥 App Update: OpenAI ChatGPT Supporting GPT4 models