[ChatGPT to Discord] [Send Message to Channel] [400] Invalid Form Body

Hi there,

I am new to Make.com (coming from Zapier but got only little experience in automation) and I’ve tried to set up a scenario that summarizes unread e-mails of my gmail account. Summarizing is done via ChatGPT-API and should then be sent to a Discord channel on my private Discord server. The Gmail-account is solely set up for this purpose. If I get an e-mail that I don’t want to read completely, e.g. a newsletter, I forward it to that e-mail address.

I keep getting the error “Invalid Form Body” in the Discord module. I once did reauthorize and verify the Discord connection. It then worked for 2 times and since then I keep getting the error again. And reauthorizing/verifying hasn’t worked anymore.

Here are Screenshots of my scenario & settings of the Discord module:

Do you maybe have any advice?

Best regards,

Hi @Huesch

Did you check the message input in your discord error response?

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Thanks a lot! I checked it and the message content was correctly transmitted from ChatGPT. Problem was the summary contained more than 2000 characters, which is the maximum length for discord. I changed to Slack and it works perfectly fine now. Thanks for the hint!



Glad to help you!

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Heya @Huesch :blob_wave:

Wow! I am impressed by the fact you were able to crack this with the assistance from @Msquare_Automation .

Thanks a lot for keeping the community in mind and coming back here with additional information and solution. This way we are taking care of our forum and it stays neat and organized. :broom:

Great job and keep it up!

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