Collecting outputs from iterator

I have an iterator that goes on to create individual images for ‘sections’ of a blog, to finally upload the blog to wordpress with images for each section.

the workflow is that the iterator leads to the image generation and upload to Wordpress, and then i create the html for that section of the blog, (text and image) in html taking the section heading and body too.

this means at the end of the iteration i could have 4-6 ‘sections’ (or blocks of html.

i then want to pull thenm all together so that i can add them between an intro and outro and use the wordpress create post.

everything is working except the part where i want all the separate sections in one block. they are coming out of a set variable as individual operations rather than bundles in one operation, so i am struggling to aggregate.

what am i doing wrong? what do i need to do?

blueprint.json (410.2 KB)