Combine 2 arrays of emails and display them in the Google Contact email field

I am having an issue being able to sync multiple emails to the Google Contact email field. I believe the input needs to be a collection. Right now I am using an array aggregator and then Set variable to merge the 2 arrays, but the output it an array, not an array of collections. I am sync one value to google but not all of the values in the array.

I am not sure how to take my two arrays and turn them into one collection to be synced to Google contacts

Welcome @Scott_Metherell;

Congratulations on having an early scenario with bundles and aggregation happening. They’re some of the mind-bendy things we can do with Make.

blueprint (1).json (90.7 KB)

Tl;dr: Contact Make support for help. Saga follows…

I created a simple Google Contact Search and Update to better understand your situation. While it seemed that a CSV of emails should work, it doesn’t.

Next, for a simple test, I pushed a single email to see what the input bundle looks like.

The JSON bit of interest is…

   "value": ""

And above also matched what Google’s Contact update API says.

So that seems what we have to replicate from the following source data.

Instead of an array aggregator, I’ll use a text aggregator to create part of the JSON structure connected by commas and then add on the [] bits.

On running, we get a BundleValidationError; Array of objects expected in parameter 'emailAddresses'.

So I’m thinking that the Make Google Contact app changes things up.

Therefore, I run the Google Contact update module once again with a fuller amount of information in hopes that the input bundle gives us a clue for what Make is doing behind the scenes.

However, in testing the JSON structure of the input bundle for a fuller submission, I get another error.

Finally checking the Make documentation for Google Contacts gives no help.

At this point, contact Make support.

You can fix the Validation Error by not using the “Map” option on the email array: