Combine all paragraph blocks notion into a single block

Hi Make community,

I’ve been trying for a few days to group all the text blocks in my notion into one block but I can’t manage it. Can you please help me?

I use the “list page content” module, I’ve tried several ways with aggregator modules but I never manage to get the content of all the blocks in a single bundle.

Thank you for your reply.

Hey @Djilali_Benallou

welcome to the community

You should use the “Text Aggregator” it will return a single bundle of all the text

Screenshot 2024-02-06 124811


This has been asked and answered before on this forum. It is actually a very common question since Notion is one of the top-used integrations on Make!

Combine Notion page content into a single string - #6 by samliew

Also Extract notion content as a PDF and Send it


Like this, I got the content !