Combine and map data from different scenarios, the question is for advanced users

Hey community.
Need some advice. I read a lot of articles and watched a lot of videos and I’m concerned that nobody talks about this.

The task sounds simple. I want to post an image+text to Facebook and Instagram.
Long story short,

Scenario 1 generates an updated version of post for Facebook and Instagram.
Creates a prompt for userapi to generate image for a post on Midjourney sending POST.
Stores text post to airtables.

Scenario 2 receives with webhook 4 generated images and uses upscale to select 1 image sending to Scenario 3.

Scenario 3 webhook receives an image to post.

The problem is to combine post text from scenario 1 and image from scenario 3.
The only solution I found is to save everything to airtable and then once all data are in to trigger to post. But easier to say than do. I cannot find the way to map post text with image.
Currently I’m trying to generate a timestamp at scenario 1, I had thoughts to pass the same timestamp to scenario 2 and then 3, but I do not see how I can it with module Imagine midjourney. Were playing with organizational variables, but still no results.

Any ideas how to resolve it?
Or how do you resolve the tasks where one scenario collects one piece of the future post, and another piece the second.
I’m ok if I could return image url from scenario 3 back to scenario 1 to proceed with posting, but I cannot get the understanding on how data can be passed across scenarios.

Use an HTTP module at the end of one scenario to the webhook of another if you want to send data from one scenario to another.

To combine data from different sources just use a search or get module of some kind to retrieve the data you need.

Hope this helps!

Welcome to the Make community!

To trigger another scenario, you can use the HTTP → Custom Webhook method.

The calling scenario uses a HTTP module to make a request to another scenario’s Custom Webhook trigger module’s URL. You can pass data via JSON, form data, or query parameters.

You can also use the Make API to trigger another scenario to save an operation, only if there is no data to pass.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.
Note: I see hundreds of posts, notifications, and messages daily on this forum, so if I missed your reply, please message me to look at your reply.


P.S.: Did you know, the concepts of about 70% of questions asked on this forum are already covered in the Make Academy. Investing some effort into it will save you lots of time and frustration using Make later!

Thank you guys, but your solutions are not relevant here.
Once again
Scenario 1 ends with posting to airtable
Scenario 2 start: webhook (triggered by airtable) and ends with Midjourney userapi module, which sends POST request to server and returns answer to next webhook
(As you advised, you can see that I cannot use one more module with POST request)
Scenario 3 starts: webhook, receives answer from scenario 2 > server, ends with upscale module, it also has own POST settings and I can add only webhook URL.
Scenario 4: starts with webhook, it receives data from scenario 3, and here I have final generated data. I want to update airtable and insert image url there. But the problem, that I don’t have a record ID of a post from scenario 1. Scenario 4 doesn’t understand to what record it should match image url.
That is why I wanted to create some id using scenario 1 or receive record ID from airtable and pass this value to scenario 4.
In this case I can lookup specific record in airtable and save the result.
I hope it’s more clear now what I want to achieve.

Looks like you already have a few scenarios built, but just need advice on how to link them up using airtable.

Could you share a screenshot for each of the scenarios?

Scenario 1

I generate a post and store it in Airtable.
Scenario 2

I generate a prompt for midjourney to create 4 images
Here is the last module in this scenario

In the settings there is a webhook from scenario 3.
Scenario 3

Here I select 1 image.
Last module is Upscale

It posts the result to the final webhook in scenario 4
Scenario 4

This is where I have final image URL and I want it to attach to the same post from scenario 1 in Airtable.

If i am understanding the work flow correctly, the underlining issue is you need the record that is created be referenced so the image can be associated with that record after it is generated correct?

I primarily use clickup but solve a similar issue by “carrying” the data throughout the different steps. I do this by recording the needed data either into clickup itself or an external database. Then at each step i retrieve the data.

You can create a separate database in airtable that can store the record IDs of all the tasks associated with a particular project and have it be stored and retrieved during each scenario.

Hope this helps!

Yes, that’s right, I have an ID. The issue is, I don’t know how to retrieve it when I’m in Scenario 4.
I tried to play with different available tools like organization variables, input variables, I tried set varable and get varable, nothing works like expected. All I want to have the ID accessible in the scenario 4, the ID that I receive once I save a post in Scenario 1

I think for you with these scenarios is to have an airtable record be created after each scenario. Then from the records themselves you can input the manual data. Then just carry over the record ID from one scenario to the next and you can then reference back the record id from scenario 1.

Or alternatively just add the record with a field for the manual data. Then carry all the data from one scenario to the next by creating a new record after each scenario. Then by the end you will have a record that will have the caption text and image.

What you want to do is very possible so don’t give up!

I found a solution, it’s fine for now. As I have only one post per platform per day, I use a date + platform name as a unique identifier. On the step I just lookup a record that matches and attache an image to it.
But for the future, I’d like to know if someone was able to push data between scenarios like metafields or something like that. It could be solve a lot of issues.


The webhooks initiated by airtable don’t carry the record ID?
Seems that the trick is in this “airtable triggered webhook” you have.
If this is triggered by a record being created, you can see if there is an ID associated with it – or you can think this way: if the trigger is based on the data you collected on Scenario 1 (and saved to Airtable), why not grab the record ID generated by the Airtable module and make a HTTP request to trigger your other scenarios, passing that ID along?

The trigger would be then the request you make from the first scenario - and you could carry the record ID along all scenarios you trigger.

For more than one post per day, you should be able to trigger the webhook from Airtable with a parameter like & RecordID() as an airtable button. Then you can drag the Airtable record ID through all the scenarios and use it to update one and the same record.
Alternatively you can use 0CodeKit to set a global variable that can be called later on. Careful though if you are processing multiple posts in parallel, you would need different variable names for each.


Interesting idea, thanks.