Compare date values from bundles to get the earliest and latest date


This query is related.

On Board A when a timeline value changes on a subitem an event is sent to Make.
In Make, I then search for all subitems with a particular value in a text field.
I get all details back for all these subitems.
I want to then get the earliest From date and the latest To date from the bundles.
I want to then use these 2 values to populate the timeline value for an item on Board B.

I am struggling to get the earliest and latest dates from the bundles.

In the numeric aggregator I am formatting the date to Unix time and using the MAX function to try and get the latest To date.

Thank you

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Hey @Van1

After aggregating, use sort function on array in asc order for “from date” and desc order for “to” date and then use first() function to get the first item from both arrays.

{{first(sort(map(array from aggregator;mappable_column_values.timeline.from);asc))}}

Msquare Automation - Gold Partner of Make

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Thanks for your suggestion. I found another way around it in the end.


Glad to know that the issue is resolved.

Best regards,

Msquare Automation
Gold Partner of Make
@Msquare_AutomationExplore our automation insights in our profile.