Converting String value to bundle

I am making an rest api call which is responding data in string format.
But i want that in parsed format so that i can map properties value later.

If you look at the response.
the section Data the response is in string format. I want parse that and use it later

Here are two approaches to address this problem:

  1. you can turn on parse response in your http module like this
    Screenshot 2024-01-03 120313

  2. we have module in make name “parse json” in json
    Screenshot 2024-01-03 120412

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In your HTTP module settings “Parse response” field, select “Yes” (It is No by default)


This will allow you to map the response collection properties (variables) in subsequent modules.

If you want to learn more about Make, you can read up in the Help Center. I also recommend doing the tutorials in the Make Academy, and learn advanced skills like how to make custom apps to any API in the Make Partner Training Portal - both have certificates for successful completion.