Create HTML table from multiple Airtable records

The goal I’m trying to achieve is a HTML tables with variable rows based on the number of records in Airtable. That HTML table will be used in an email using the Send Email Gmail module.

I’m following instructions from a YouTube video from Automation Studio where he describes using data from a Google Sheet as the input for a text aggregator module that creates the repeated section of HTML rows. Then a text composer is used to insert those into the rest of the HTML for the table.

The difference is that I’m starting with one Airtable record for a job assignment that is linked to one or more records in another table for work shifts. My scenario is:

  1. triggered by a webhook that provides the record ID for the Assignment
  2. Gets the Assignment
  3. [needs to get a couple fields from the linked shift records]
  4. [needs to turn those onto bundles? (that’s how the source data is output in the example I’m trying to replicate)]
  5. [needs to turn those bundles into rows of html]
  6. [needs to insert those rows into the rest of the html for a table]
  7. [needs to insert that html into an email]

I’ve tried using repeater, iterator, and aggregator, and I’m screwing up the order somewhere, because I either end up with only one of the shifts represented as a row, or I end up with that happening in separate operations for however many shifts there are without ever combining them into one cohesive unit.

I’m including some screenshots below. Can you tell what I’m doing wrong?