How to get/process multiple data in one Bundle and create multiple records/rows?

Hi there,

I want to create multiple rows/Records in airtable from multiple data in 1 Bundle.
But the data is in 1 Bundle. Im using HTTP module.

Maybe I can set a range in the Airtable module? So it picks video X-Y?
Or is it possible to get more bundles with different outputs, so I dont have the same output over and over?

I’m lost.

I appreciate any help!!


Hello @ImNotMaking and welcome to the Make Community!

Have you tried the Airtable Bulk Update Records (advanced) or Bulk Upsert Records (advanced) modules? You’ll need to precede the Airtable module with an Array Aggregator so that the results can be put into an array that is compatible with the input for the Airtable module.


Thank you, @Donald_Mitchell!

I tried to set it up. But how do I get the different Outputs for each record?