Creating a scenario for tagging product sales in Shopify

Hi I am new to automation flows and to Make and so have to say I have very limited knowledge. I have been trying via AI for weeks to get a scenario going but am continually coming up against obstacles in the product stage.

The objective of my overall scenario for this tagging will cover several scenarios. I want to have all products in my store tagged with either ‘No Sales’ or ‘Has Sales’. There seem to be limitations in what can be achieved in flows with Shopify but what I have done so far is to pull a report since i started with Shopify of all product sales. I was then able to do a bulk tagging of those products with 'Has Sales. It was not possible to do the same for zero sales. I set up a one time flow that would search all products for the tag ´Has Sales and when found ignore those and move on and add the tag Has Sales. So that means at least I have all products tagged with the relevant tags at this stage.

I set up one further Shopify Flow that is triggered on create a product and will add the tag ‘No Sales’ The 3 steps mentioned covered off ensuring that all products are tagged and any new products are tagged.

Using AI for the following including AI inside Make i have come against roadblocks. The AI has not helped when given the errors and coming up with new ways, then with those errors asking me to do what has already not worked.

So, what I am now trying to achieve is a flow that will work on create and order - so this is then a customer has placed an order - that order could have one or many products. What I am wanting to happen here is that it will check if the product/s in that order have the tag 'Has Sales and if positive it will ignore and if not then it will remove the tag No Sales and add the tag Has Sales. It sounds easy but i am having rouble in the scenario structure to move from orders to products with any success. I also have a subscription with Pabbly Connect and have had no luck. I asked AI for suggestions and it recommended Make and I took the Core membership as the interface seems much more friendly, but still mindboggling.

The real reason for this tagging is that I want to set up 3 further scenarios for inventory management.
Scenario 1 - would run every 90 days and would check all products over the last 90 days to see if there have been any sales. For those with no sales it would add them to a Google Sheet, and would place them into a collection e.g. Offers and a discount.
Scenario 2 - would run every 180 days and would check over the last 180 days and if any products have not had any sales in that span - then it would add them to a Google Sheet and either email me or preferably send a campaign email with added discount on those products.
Scenario 3 and final one would run every 250 days. This would do a check over the past 250 days and if the product has not had any sales and contains the tag 'No Sales then it will add them to a 3rd Google Sheet and delete the products. If the product has the tag 'Has Sales then it adds them to another Google Sheet and archives the product.

To date in Make I constructed a Watch Orders, then Get Orders, an Iterator to loop over orders, then a router and a Get Product module and then errors getting to set conditions on tagging the products. I am not sure where I have gone wrong and AI is not providing a solution that is workable.

I appreciate any help and assistance.


It would be easier to get support if you could briefly describe what you cannot do.
A screenshot or Blueprint would be even better.

Hi - The biggest issue that I am having is what can be pulled from the module data results in the Shopify Modules. What I want to do is is when a new order comes in that the products in that order are checked for existing tags. If the tag ‘Has Sales’ is present to move on. If the product has the tag ‘No Sales’ then that is to be removed and ‘Has Sales’ tag added.

All the AI chats I have had they are saying to add watch orders, and then next to get orders. The add an iterator to go over the orders and after add get products, then to choose product tags. It doesn´t seem to like moving from orders to products and will not allow me to choose product tagging.

Scenario so far

The below is the same on both routes as one is to check tags and move on if ‘Has Sales’ present

And the second would be to remove the ‘No Sales’ and add ‘Has Sales’ but both getting the same error.

I am having this problem whether i try in Shopify Flow, Pabbly and Make. I am not sure why and this must be possible in Make as the options are much greater.

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Hi Stephen, what you want can be achieved as follows:

In the update product module, you can use array functions to remove ‘No Sales’ and add ‘Has Sales’ if necessary. No need for routers here.

Also, the get product module is for retrieving existing tags the product already has, and add them to the ‘Has Sales’ tag in the update module. Without it, the existing tags would disappear after the update.

Let me know if you have any other problems.

Thank you this seems so much more streamlined than what AI was asking me to do. I still have a couple of questions as not quite there. I have amended the scenario to mirror yours.

I will show each stage as not quite getting what i need to do at this stage, being new to all this.

I have left all the top areas empty and configured the below as:

When I run this I get an error so have unchecked the select all as before and i get the following

Then when i run the iterator with the following choices I get an error

So have done as so - but do not see how to configure this for Has Sales and No Sales
then i get the below

So how do I ensure it is looking at both the tags?
The next mapping and result are

Then i get an error

And then after I am now sure what/how to put anything in the update product that will ignore any product with Has Sales and update the others by removing No Sales and adding Has Sales?

I really appreciate your help :slight_smile:

In the iterator, you just need the line items, like this:

In the get product module, you need to get the mapping from the iterator:

In the update module, you can do something like this:

The tags mapping comes from the get product module.

Hope that helps!

Hi - I think that works - I was trying to run each module and getting error on get a product as needed a product number - but I ran once and all seems okay. I am not sure as to the tagging part as the products already had the correct tags. I was confused and did this slightly different as need to remove No Sales and add Has Sales. Also I want this to happen when new orders come in so how do i set this up as the trigger?

As I set up the final part slightly different does it look correct?

Thank you so much :slight_smile:

The modules in this scenario are designed to work in succession, so you can’t run them individually (except the first one I guess).

No, you need to leave the function call as it is for it to work

That will require a slight change in your first module.

To make things super easy, you can just import the blueprint below, set up your own shopify connection, and it should work as required :slightly_smiling_face: (I also added a filter at the last link to save some operations for you)

blueprint (2).json (18.7 KB)


Hi Jeff :grinning:

Thank you so much for your help. It works and I have tested it on product that had sales, one with no sales and then a multi no sales and it operates perfectly. I can not thank you enough. I might reach out on the next automations if I struggle with those.

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