I am trying to get a bot working for Telegram. It mainly works, but I dont know how to set it up, to only reply to the specified person that asked the question in the first place (example image).
I am using a costum assistant from OpenAi and it has a slight 5s delay before replying, how could I boos the reply speed?
Hey there!
Thanks for the reply, I tried every possible option, but cant get the bot to reply to the one that asked the question… Adding an example image again
When I promt the bot with a question, I want him to reply to me, like in the example. Because lets say a couple of people ask the bot, I need it to respond to individual people separate.
If it is even possible, hope I gave a good example
You’ll need to use a data store to store the thread id from the assistant, and then reuse the same thread id from the data store when the user messages again.