I’m new to Make a web hooks in general.
I built a chatbot the returns weather data for a travel destination. It passes the arrival and departure dates from an Elementor form to a Make webhook that is supposed to pass the dates back to the chatbot.
At first, I thought the Elementor form was JSON already. As I have JSON pass through on and the input looks like JSON. ChatGPT wrote a function to import the response webhook results to chatbot, so I added a JSON transformer module between the trigger module and the webhook response module. The trigger webhook outputs the following:
“form”: {
“id”: “c046db4”,
“name”: “Travel Dates”
“fields”: {
“arrivalDate”: {
“id”: “arrivalDate”,
“type”: “date”,
“title”: “Arrival Date:”,
“value”: “2024-09-21”,
“raw_value”: “2024-09-21”,
“required”: “1”
“departureDate”: {
“id”: “departureDate”,
“type”: “date”,
“title”: “Departure Date:”,
“value”: “2024-09-22”,
“raw_value”: “2024-09-22”,
“required”: “1”
The transformer module outputs the travel dates to this JSON string: [
“json”: “"2024-09-212024-09-22"”
The webhook response imports the following body: {
“arrivalDate”: “2024-09-21”,
“departureDate”: “2024-09-22”
With this custom header set up:
content-type application/json
When I run the webhook once then go to Postman and sent a POST request to the hook url, the date values don’t pass through, Ithe body shows:
“arrivalDate”: “”,
“departureDate”: “”
The chatbot is published.
The webhook is on.
Scheduling is set to Immediately as data arrives. The scenario is saved. What setting might I be missing or what am I not understanding?