Date from make to airtable


I’ve got a crazy issue.
Today, we’ve got December 1st 2022, right?
(If I change month and day it’s January 12th.)

In my scenario I want {{formatDate(now; “DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm”; “Europe/Berlin”)}} insert to airtable.
And somehow month and day got changed in airtable …
Additionally airtable doesn’t take the correct time …

Best regards,

Hi @Martin
You can’t insert formatdate data into a date field in airtable. Formatdate makes a dateTime object into a text, so you need to add a parsedate to wrap your formula, parsedate makes formatdate a datetime object.


It is actually quite funny to read that in a no code system like make one has to be concerned about data types still in 2022.

Thank you very much. :slight_smile:

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