Delighted API request


I would like to do a request from Delighted API. I would like to get all the responses since Dec,29th, 2022 from today and add them to Airtable (new record).

I succeeded in logging in to the API (200 response), but yet I can’t figure out how to apply the criteria.

Here’s my config for the query string section :

  • List item

Item 1: Key: per_page Value: 100
Item 2: Key: since Value: 2022-12-29T00:00:00Z

  • List item

Yet I’m unable to get the data. How can I manage it?

Thanks a lot

Are you using, Make an API call of Delighted App? If so, If this is not working then you might need to send a timestamp as part of the since query, So, Instead of passing the date in the format you have shown try converting it to timestamp and try it.

The result should be inside the Body, which after the Make an API module, just iterate using the Iterator module and then connect it to Airtable insert records.

This worked perfectly. thanks for helping

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