Email issues

I am having issues and showing no errors on both modules the Hook and the email .
So when you fill in the email form on the web site and send it states error back later . But it does send the reply email from my website to the recipient . But it doesn’t send the recipients message to me , all I can see in the sent messages on my email is the automated reply sent to recipient .
The other thing is I have continually press the start button and press immediately otherwise it won’t work at all , but no errors are shown.

Hi @andre2 and welcome to the Make Community!

I’m not sure I understand what you are saying. Can you post a screenshot of your scenario?

Can you explain exactly what is happening, step by step?

What I understand is:

  1. User fills a form on your website
  2. Your website sends an email to your account
  3. You don’t get the form data from the website

If the above is correct, and you are expecting Make to receive the data, transform it, then send it to you, here are a couple of possibilities:

  • You cave the incorrect webhook link to your form. That could explain the error message you mention
  • You gave the correct link but your scenario is not activated. Activate it so it is always listening and the form should be submitted

If that doesn’ address the problem, please give more detail. But we have no idea what you are doing so you need to provide more details, not less.


Hi so
Fill in form on website and press submit a message pops stating an “An error submitting your request, please try again later” but
2. The recipient does receive my automated response to their email. But
3. I do not receive their completed details etc to my email .
4. There are no errors shown on the make modules
5. I attached a pic of the make email data received .
6. Thankyou

From what I can see, there is no “From” in the image. To me that would look like the first place to check. Make sure your email module has a “From” in it otherwise nothing will happen.

I suspect the reason the other person gets an email is because it’s the website that sends the email, and it’s configured correctly.


Yes , I did change but still not pushing to my email.

Although it’s configured, the value is empty:

If you are always sending it from the same email address, you can hard-code it instead of using a variable.

If the “From:” changes, then you must figure out why the form is not sending the sender email to your Make scenario. Fix that and the problem shoudl be taken care of.