Error in creating twitter post

my account category in twitter “developer” is basic where as i still get the same error which is i have reached the cap, which actully i didn’t, i tried to delete the last action and re install it again, and still same issue.
i also re authorised and re verifiy the key and still the same.


Please create a new twitter connection and use that connection in the module. If issue persists try using Sleep for 5 or 10 seconds prior to Twitter module.

Hope this points you in the right direction, thanks.

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i have included 3 sleep modules in the scenario and still getting same error

Hi @ali_alsamahi

Clearly, this is a rate limit error as explained by @Raj_Bajaj

You can use the error handler “Break” to store the incomplete execution and retry it automatically.

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clearly shown in the screenshot that that last stage has break and still did not work