Hello, I encountered an error because I have a date field with a ‘false’ value, and I cannot leave it empty if it is indeed empty
he operation failed with an error. Failed to map ‘record.fldf029rwvlkavvBL’: Function ‘if’ finished with error! Function ‘formatDate’ finished with error! Function ‘parseDate’ finished with error! ‘false’ is not a valid date.
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Hi @farah
Could you please share the screenshot of your module mappings? and the output from previous module to better assist you.
Msquare Automation - Gold Partner of Make
I have a field of data that is sometimes empty (false) and sometimes not. In Make, I want to set a value in Airtable: if the field is empty, I leave it blank, and if it’s not empty, I insert the content.
It sounds like you are going to need to set up some conditional filters using a router to first determine if the airtable has data in or not before continuing with the workflow…
If you can share some screenshots of your scenario and some of the outputs, it will be much easier for people to assist you here.