May 14, 2024, 1:03pm
I’m using the code mentioned in this article:
I’m trying to populate a Google Sheets invoice from a JSON webhook trigger. Make.com would check each JSON variable, and, if true, add a row for it in the invoice. I’m encountering two problems:
(1) Make.com always adds a new row to the top of the Sheet, but the invoice line-items start at line 11. Is it possible to select where you want to add the row?
(2) Anytime Make.com encounters a failed if/then condition in the filter, it stops the entire flow. However, even if one invoice item is not t…
"requests": [
"insertDimension": {
"range": {
"sheetId": Cici,
"dimension": "ROWS",
"startIndex": 10,
"endIndex": 11
"inheritFromBefore": true
But I am getting the error here:
May 14, 2024, 1:04pm
@Donald_Mitchell Please help here if you can
Hello @Abdo ,
What is your end goal here?
You’re getting this error because Cici is text and should be surrounded by double quotes.
“sheetId”: “Cici”
However, this parameter may not accept strings, so if that doesn’t work either, supply the index of the sheet instead, a number NOT surrounded by quotes. So if Cici is the first sheet, then use:
“sheetId”: 0
If it’s the second sheet, use:
“sheetId”: 1
May 14, 2024, 6:45pm
I’m trying to add a row in between 2 rows in any of 30 tabs inside a google sheet.
When I tried a number (4) and when I tried “Cici” with “” - Both times I got different errors