Etsy Get an Inventory Module returns Price, Quantity and SKU all as "513"

So I am creating an scenario to update my Esty shop products automatically after ive updated stock on my WooCommerce store. Im on the last step which is to update the Etsy listings inventory but im unsure how to fill out “Price on Property, Quantity on Property and SKU on Property” fields. In a previous module “Get an Inventory” these fields are all filled with “513” which means im not actually getting the inventory amount from this module and mapping the actual data from the webhook doest work, I get Validation error.

Can someone please show me what im doing wrong, thanks.

blueprint (1).json (25.4 KB)

The reason I am trying to find out these vales is because I don’t know how to map the last module “Update a listing Inventory” with the updated price and stock quantity from the original webhook data.

Hi @Ash_Win

I think that field accept only array of unique listing property ID, you have mapped the id directly. To solve this please disable map and adjust the parameter to match the field’s specified format.

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I read on another discussion that Sum( is a quick way to turn a value into a number. but still no joy.
