Extrair informação do Mailhook

Preciso extrair informação variável do corpo de e-mail recebido via Mailhook.

Recebo informações de Leads por e-mail, e preciso extrair apenas as informações do Lead (Nome, E-mail e Telefone) para uma planilha.

Usei a função Text Parser (Match Elements) para extrair os dados do corpo do e-mail. Estou extraindo dados do HTML do e-mail e jogando para uma planilha.

Os campos E-mail e Telefone deu certo, pois já está pré-configurado. Mas o campo nome, está puxando junto o nome do campo e preciso apenas da variável como abaixo.

Está puxando esta informação:

Nome: Nome do Cliente

E preciso que venha apenas a informação abaixo:
Nome do Cliente

Como faço para eliminar a informação “


” e jogar na planilha apenas a informação “Nome do Cliente”?

Alguém pode me ajudar, sou novo no integromat e não sou programador estou tendo dificuldades, se alguém puder me indicar algum vídeo com essa solução desde já agradeço!

Hi there @MKT_JCR_Incorporador

Since English is the official language of the community, I’m gonna go ahead and paste a DeepL translation of your question below. :arrow_down:

Translated Question:
I need to extract variable information from the body of e-mail received via Mailhook.

I receive information from Leads via email, and need to extract only the Lead information (Name, Email and Phone) to a spreadsheet.

I used the Text Parser function (Match Elements) to extract the data from the body of the email. I am extracting data from the HTML of the email and throwing it into a spreadsheet.

The E-mail and Phone fields worked fine, because they are already pre-configured. But the name field, is pulling together the name of the field and I need only the variable as below.

It is pulling this information:

Name: Customer Name

And I need just the information below:
Client Name

How do I delete the information "


" and throw in the spreadsheet only the information “Customer Name”?
Someone can help me, I’m new to integromat and I’m not a programmer I’m having difficulties, if someone can point me to a video with this solution thank you!

Translated with DeepL (DeepL Translate App for Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android

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This was answered already in a regular expression I built here.


Muito obrigado Michaela

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Thanks for the tip, but as I don’t understand code (I’m still learning) it didn’t work.

I tried to use the code you provided (?<=City:\s?)(.), being that I changed City: for Name: so that I entered (?<=Nome:\s?)(.) but unfortunately it didn’t work.
In Mailhook, I get the data in the email body with the layout below.

Olá JCR4

Chegou um novo lead

Nome: Maike


E-mail: maike@mail.com

Telefone: 15999999999

Data de nascimento: 07/09/1999

Renda: 6000

Mensagem: 20000

Empreendimento: BELLA VENEZA

From these fields, I need to extract the Name, E-mail and Telephone to my spreadsheet.

I used the Text Parser function and managed to correctly extract the E-mail and Phone, but the name I’m getting in the spreadsheet the information like this:

Nome: Maike

but I only needed to receive: Maike

In the field Delimiter: I filled in the information Nome:

Do you know how I should put it in this case so that the name field comes with just the name, without these additions?

type or paste code here

(?<=Nome:\s?)(.*) make sure you have the .* in the group.

You can use a text parser to take the mail hook data and it will find the result using the regex. You’ll get $1 as a variable that will give you the name.