šŸ”„ Feature Spotlight: Domain Claim

Hello Makers :wave:

:scroll: Itā€™s announcement time! Today, weā€™re thrilled to introduce our new capability - Domain Claim :scroll:

Domain Claim is a meaningful new capability that enables a smoother, more secure login experience for Make Enterprise users :closed_lock_with_key:.

:question: How does it work?

  1. To use Domain Claim, you first need to enable SSO in Make.
  2. An Enterprise organizationā€™s admin completes domain verification using DNS TXT records to claim their organizationā€™s domain.
  3. Once the domain has been verified in Make, itā€™s considered to be claimed by the organization.
  4. When logging into Make, Enterprise users with claimed domains are seamlessly directed to the single sign-on (SSO) login flow from both sign-in and sign-up pages.

Domain Claimā€™s straightforward authentication process prevents unauthorized claims, enhances security, and minimizes organization conflicts for users belonging to Enterprise organizations.

Helpful Resources:

:make: Hereā€™s the guide in our Help Center

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