Filter Between Iterator / Aggregator Not Working

The filter between my iterator and aggregator is acting like earlier or equal to rather than earlier. I have tried formatting the closing date variable a few different ways by adding hours to change the time of the variable to force a difference but that didn’t work.

My ultimate goal is to find the last service date before the closing date. If the closing date EQUALS the service date, that is a big problem which is why I need this filter to work between the iterator and aggregator. I am using the Last Service Date variable to grab the last bundle but if that filter does not filter out when the service date EQUALS the closing date then it will not give me the right date to close the service contract.

Service date CANNOT equal closing date. I need everything before closing date.

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I’m wondering why the dates being compared have the same format as a way to minimize data variance towards getting an expected outcome.

One has the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ, the other MM/DD/YYYY.

Reaching same format could be done before the iterator or in the iterator to aggregator filter itself similar to the formatDate being used for Closing Date.

Next are you positive, you’re using the Datetime > Earlier than filter?

Yeah it is set to datetime operator. You can see it in the screenshot. I do want to reiterate that the filter IS working but it is ACTING like earlier or equal to RATHER than EARLIER.

I did try formatting the closing date to YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z to match the API and it still did not work. I have been trying to figure out how to format the date before it goes into the iterator but I’m not sure of the technique. I’m pretty new at this so still learning.

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Regarding earlier or equal, have you tested a fully matching date and time on both sides and had it pass the filter?

I just figured it out. I had to parse the date inside the filter

Thanks for your help. I have one more issue but I will create a new topic.