My MAKE filters have gone haywire 
They look at regular Sheets checkboxes and interpret Boolean FALSE (see black mouseover on below screenshot) as true
. Setting filter as Text operators won’t work either. Nor does typing TRUE or FALSE in the condition field.
What is going on?
Hi @neomagic ,
Did you try to test with the string “TRUE” (or “FALSE”) according to your needs?
Yeah, TRUE and FALSE as text strings work with a text oprator filter, but I am setting the checkboxes via AppSheet (Google’s GUI frontend for Sheets) so I need the checkboxes’ functionality.
You could use a mapping that transforms TRUE (resp. FALSE) as string into true (resp. false) as Make boolean, a switch should do the job.
So I set the cells with text strings instead of checkboxes.
Turns out the Yes/No toggle in AppSheet is able to change the text(!) to TRUE or FALSE.

Still seems like a bug in MAKE to me, but the workaround is manageable, so thanks!

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