I have been wondering what text should be entered in the filter as shown above if I would like it to retrieve those Notion database items that are checked. I have tried the word “True” like how you would in a Google sheets but that did not work. Anyone knows what might be the keyword here?
I have also tried with Checkbox:Equals and it does not work either.
The error returned was: The operation failed with an error. [400] body failed validation. Fix one: body.filter.or[0].checkbox.equals should be a boolean, instead was "TRUE". body.filter.or[0].checkbox.does_not_equal should be defined, instead was undefined.
Is there a Make.com documentation that I can read up more on Notion filters?
Hi, the filter to use is “Checkbox: Equals” : {{true}} (i.e., the helper function available in the Make functions panel, within the section with the gear icon).
That’s because a checkbox in Notion is a specific data type (not simple text, but a boolean data type). So, in the Make filter, we get to specify the data type (i.e., “Checkbox: Equals”), as well as use a boolean variable (true/false) to ensure the value data type corresponds with the key data type
For checked checkbox you have to use their Checkbox equals to True condition .This will definitely work their this is a condition you have to apply their.