Notion Search objects Database items with a checkbox filed not working

I wanna lookup a Notion DB with a Checkbox field “Please add” and only when I find a line with a NONE checked “Please add” checkbox field I wanna send a Telegram message.
Sending a mesage is working but the Filter in the Notion Search Object where I have found the Checkbox field, used the Checkbox: exquals with the vaiue false. I have set a Schedule for every 3 hours and the Telefgramm should shoot me a message with some Notes entries.

What is happening so far is that with the every 3h schedule I do get a message every 3h, not showing any value of my notion but it got fired.
What I was looking for is to find out that a new line in my Notion DB was created and only send out the messae when the “Please add” checkbox field is check.

When I “Rune once” this Scenario I do get a 1 but there are no messages . I also added a filter between Notion and a Router for messages on my iphoen and my Telefgram channel.

Welcome to the Make community @Juergen :wave:,

It sounds like the filter you have in place for the Search Notion Database is working fine. If you only want to have a Telegram message if the search module found new entries, you can add a filter after the search module and set this to “if page ID exists”

If you are looking for a different solution, please provide some print screens of the scenario and the input/output bundles so we understand the data that is flowing through the scenario.