Filter not working after Watch User Poll

Hi Everyone,

I’m trying to Automate the User creation in our LMS system (TalentLMS) based on any new users added to our CRM system (EngageBay).

Below is the simple scenario I created

Step1 : Use the Trigger “Watch Contacts Updates” in EngageBay , to look out for any contacts that have been updated

Step2: If Any contacts have been updated, I wanted to check if the Tags field contains the value “CRAT User” and allow only the Contacts containing the Tag to flow through.

Step3 : Create a User in my LMS system based on the various values captured in the various fields of Contacts.

I’m facing trouble in Step 2, where the Filter is unable to recognize the Tags field value and is not allowing the Contacts containing the right Tag also to flow through.

Any suggestions / guidance would be of great help please.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @Ame-set-Admin and welcome to the make community!

You need to create an array of all the tags in your Tag array using the map() function, and use the Array Operators: Contains (case insensitive) operator, at the bottom of the list, in your filter.

Just make sure you use the raw key name for tag in the map() function. It does not automatically match the display name.
To get the raw name, hover over tag and check what comes up in black.

If that does not solve it, please share a blueprint of your scenario so we have all the information to help you.


Thanks a lot! It worked.

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