Need some help on a filter with time. I am trying to filter on the last 15 mins of a specific
I have a condition where there is a date and time coming from the data in the http call. I put a filter to look up the last 15 mins…
but it seems to bring in random data that came through the day…
The now variable by default is formatted in D MMMM YYYY hh:mm (might be slightly off, just out of the top of my head). Which means you have to reformat it, to meet the structure you have in your http request data. Otherwise you’re filter will never handle it properly, because it’s looking at different time formats.
Something like this should get you in the right direction:
You want to use the criteria “Later than or equal to”.
Since you are parsing the incoming date, you do not need to format the “now”.
Looking back you your original post, what you had was correct except the “Later than or equal to”. (Assuming that you want to filter out everything not in the last 15 minutes.)
Also, if you are wanting to capture everything since your last run, this is not the best way to do this.
Thanks …but this still didn’t work
I did remove the format date of now and changed the filter to less than later than or equal too. it didnt work within the 15 min time frame so I changed it to hours to see what happens and then only got 1 again.
I am basically trying to capture anything new that has come through within the last scheduled 15 mins.
Is this what you meant also? If it is not the best way, what would you recommend?
You need the parseDate() like you had in your first post.
formatDate() changes a “real” date into a string.
parseDate() changes a string into a real date.
By the way, “now”, and other “real” dates are measured to the 1/1000 of a second.
“now” (with or without additional operations) returns a “real” date.
Your incoming date is in a string.
When you compare the two, you need to compare “apples to apples”. AND, the date comparison operators REQUIRE (to function properly) that the values being compared are date/times (“real” dates, not strings or numbers)
To get “EVERYTHING”, you need to save the latest date/time that was read last. One way to do that is to use a datastore. The next time the process runs, you filter everything that is greater than that. Depending on the exact details, you might need to be able to overlap the data. Then specifically exclude previously processed data. The reason that this is important is because scheduling a scenario to run every 15 minutes is not exact. And, if there is a server problem, the difference could be more than just a few minutes.
I implied that you could use the date comparisons with formatted dates (strings). This is not correct. I have edited my previous post to correct the implication.