Fitbit API - Successful auth but I need to use a value from the response JSON


I’ve used the “HTTP Make an OAuth 2.0 request” module to connect to the Fitbit API.

I’ve authorised successfully, by including a custom header with my “: ” base-64-encoded.

Fitbit responds to a successful auth with a JSON response which includes the “user_id of the person who authorized access”.

I need to use this user_id in the actual URL field of the main part of the HTTP module. That is I need to call an endpoint such as:


Is it possible to access this value in the JSON response from the auth? If not how is it recommended I proceed using Make to try and call the Fitbit API?



… just so people know, I’ve not found a way of using the JSON response, but Fitbit allow the use of a “-” to denote the currently authenticated user, so I can us that in the URL.

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