From google sheet to an XML

I have a Google Excel sheet with several column and lines

Each line should be one item from my xml

I created the scenario bellow:

this is my google sheet:
Capture d’écran (29)
and the scenario is here:

First I defined My google sheet:

Then I have my Iterator (i tried without, directly with array integrator it didnt work neither):

Then I have my array integrator :

An then My xml generator:

But the issue is my XML generated contain only one element:

Instead of each item.
What should i change to get all of them ?

Hi @GabGE

Thanks for reaching out to the community. In this case, we advice you to build the XML format using the Text Aggregator module.

The fixed lines can be stored in a Set Variable module connected after Text Aggregator module.

In Text Aggregator module, aggregate the line items with all formatting mentioned in Text field.

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