Getting error: "value too long for type character varying(5000)" saving custom function

I have a custom function which has no errors in syntax, but when I try to save it, Make throws an ‘Unknown exception’ with message “value too long for type character varying(5000)”. I am not sure what validation Make is running on saving of the function. Has anyone faced this issue before? My function is pasted below:

function GroupByApp(inputArray){
    const debugMode = 1;
    const appFriendlyNames = {
        'olk.exe': 'Outlook',
        'POWERPNT.EXE': 'PowerPoint',
        'ms-teams.exe': 'Microsoft Teams',
        'EXCEL.EXE': 'Excel',
        'slack.exe': 'Slack',
        'explorer.exe': 'File Explorer',
        'WINWORD.EXE': 'Word',
        'CamtasiaStudio.exe': 'Camtasia Video Editor',
        'SnagitEditor.exe': 'SnagIt',
        'WhatsApp.exe': 'WhatsApp Web',
        'Microsoft.Media.Player.exe': 'Media Player'

    let employeeData = [];
    let today = new Date();
    today.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); // Set to start of today
    let yesterday = new Date(today);
    yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1); // Set to start of yesterday

    inputArray.forEach(collection => {
        let logTime = new Date(collection.time);
        logTime.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); // Set to start of the log's date

        // Process only if the log is from yesterday
        if (logTime.getTime() === yesterday.getTime()) {
            let user = collection.user;
            let userIndex = employeeData.findIndex(u => u.employee === user);

            // Initialize user data if not already present
            if (userIndex === -1) {
                    employee: user,
                    totalDuration: 0,
                    firstLog: collection.time,
                    lastLog: collection.time,
                    apps: [],
                    browserWebsites: []
                userIndex = employeeData.length - 1;

            let userObject = employeeData[userIndex];
            let duration = parseFloat(collection.duration); // Convert duration to a number

            // Update total duration regardless of the duration of the individual activity
            if (!isNaN(duration)) {
                userObject.totalDuration += duration;

            // Update firstLog and lastLog
            let currentTime = new Date(collection.time);
            if (new Date(userObject.firstLog) > currentTime) {
                userObject.firstLog = collection.time;
            if (new Date(userObject.lastLog) < currentTime) {
                userObject.lastLog = collection.time;


        let app = collection.executable;
        let friendlyAppName = appFriendlyNames[app] || app; // Translate to friendly name

        // In debug mode, add all apps and websites without filtering
        if (debugMode === 1) {
            let appIndex = userObject.apps.findIndex(a => === friendlyAppName);
            if (appIndex === -1) {
                userObject.apps.push({ name: friendlyAppName, duration: duration });
            } else {
                userObject.apps[appIndex].duration += duration;

            if (app === 'chrome.exe' || app === 'msedge.exe') {
                let website = || 'Unknown';
                let websiteIndex = userObject.browserWebsites.findIndex(w => === website);
                if (websiteIndex === -1) {
                    userObject.browserWebsites.push({ name: website, duration: duration });
                } else {
                    userObject.browserWebsites[websiteIndex].duration += duration;
        } else {
            // Normal mode with filters
            // Handle browser separately for productivity -1, 0, and 1
            if ((app === 'chrome.exe' || app === 'msedge.exe') && (collection.productivity === -1 || collection.productivity === 0 || collection.productivity === 1)) {
                let website = || 'Unknown';
                // Exclude '' domain
                if (!website.includes('')) {
                    let websiteIndex = userObject.browserWebsites.findIndex(w => === website);
                    if (websiteIndex === -1) {
                        userObject.browserWebsites.push({ name: website, duration: duration });
                    } else {
                        userObject.browserWebsites[websiteIndex].duration += duration;
            } else if ((collection.productivity === 0 || collection.productivity === 1) && duration >= 60) {
                // Process apps only for productivity 0 and 1
                let appIndex = userObject.apps.findIndex(a => === friendlyAppName);
                if (appIndex === -1) {
                    userObject.apps.push({ name: friendlyAppName, duration: duration });
                } else {
                    userObject.apps[appIndex].duration += duration;

    // Sort apps and browser websites by duration, descending
    employeeData.forEach(userObject => {
        userObject.apps.sort((a, b) => b.duration - a.duration);
        if (userObject.browserWebsites.length > 0) {
            userObject.browserWebsites.sort((a, b) => b.duration - a.duration);

    return employeeData;


You function is 5247 characters long.

You could remove the indentation of the code to reduce the whitespace:

function GroupByApp(inputArray){
const debugMode = 1;
const appFriendlyNames = {
'olk.exe': 'Outlook',
'POWERPNT.EXE': 'PowerPoint',
'ms-teams.exe': 'Microsoft Teams',
'EXCEL.EXE': 'Excel',
'slack.exe': 'Slack',
'explorer.exe': 'File Explorer',
'WINWORD.EXE': 'Word',
'CamtasiaStudio.exe': 'Camtasia Video Editor',
'SnagitEditor.exe': 'SnagIt',
'WhatsApp.exe': 'WhatsApp Web',
'Microsoft.Media.Player.exe': 'Media Player'
let employeeData = [];
let today = new Date();
today.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); // Set to start of today
let yesterday = new Date(today);
yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1); // Set to start of yesterday
inputArray.forEach(collection => {
let logTime = new Date(collection.time);
logTime.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); // Set to start of the log's date
// Process only if the log is from yesterday
if (logTime.getTime() === yesterday.getTime()) {
let user = collection.user;
let userIndex = employeeData.findIndex(u => u.employee === user);
// Initialize user data if not already present
if (userIndex === -1) {
employee: user,
totalDuration: 0,
firstLog: collection.time,
lastLog: collection.time,
apps: [],
browserWebsites: []
userIndex = employeeData.length - 1;
let userObject = employeeData[userIndex];
let duration = parseFloat(collection.duration); // Convert duration to a number
// Update total duration regardless of the duration of the individual activity
if (!isNaN(duration)) {
userObject.totalDuration += duration;
// Update firstLog and lastLog
let currentTime = new Date(collection.time);
if (new Date(userObject.firstLog) > currentTime) {
userObject.firstLog = collection.time;
if (new Date(userObject.lastLog) < currentTime) {
userObject.lastLog = collection.time;
let app = collection.executable;
let friendlyAppName = appFriendlyNames[app] || app; // Translate to friendly name
// In debug mode, add all apps and websites without filtering
if (debugMode === 1) {
let appIndex = userObject.apps.findIndex(a => === friendlyAppName);
if (appIndex === -1) {
userObject.apps.push({ name: friendlyAppName, duration: duration });
} else {
userObject.apps[appIndex].duration += duration;
if (app === 'chrome.exe' || app === 'msedge.exe') {
let website = || 'Unknown';
let websiteIndex = userObject.browserWebsites.findIndex(w => === website);
if (websiteIndex === -1) {
userObject.browserWebsites.push({ name: website, duration: duration });
} else {
userObject.browserWebsites[websiteIndex].duration += duration;
} else {
// Normal mode with filters
// Handle browser separately for productivity -1, 0, and 1
if ((app === 'chrome.exe' || app === 'msedge.exe') && (collection.productivity === -1 || collection.productivity === 0 || collection.productivity === 1)) {
let website = || 'Unknown';
// Exclude '' domain
if (!website.includes('')) {
let websiteIndex = userObject.browserWebsites.findIndex(w => === website);
if (websiteIndex === -1) {
userObject.browserWebsites.push({ name: website, duration: duration });
} else {
userObject.browserWebsites[websiteIndex].duration += duration;
} else if ((collection.productivity === 0 || collection.productivity === 1) && duration >= 60) {
// Process apps only for productivity 0 and 1
let appIndex = userObject.apps.findIndex(a => === friendlyAppName);
if (appIndex === -1) {
userObject.apps.push({ name: friendlyAppName, duration: duration });
} else {
userObject.apps[appIndex].duration += duration;
// Sort apps and browser websites by duration, descending
employeeData.forEach(userObject => {
userObject.apps.sort((a, b) => b.duration - a.duration);
if (userObject.browserWebsites.length > 0) {
userObject.browserWebsites.sort((a, b) => b.duration - a.duration);
return employeeData;

This reduces it to 3819 characters long, and you will be able to save it now.

samliewrequest private consultation

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To reduce the number of characters of JavaScript code in future,

here are some possible things you can do:

  • use shorter variable names
  • remove indentation, or reduce to single spaces
  • remove unnecessary newlines
  • remove semicolons where possible
  • instead of if-else statements, use inline conditional (ternary) operator

You can also use tools like JavaScript minifiers to compact the code further.

samliewrequest private consultation

Join the unofficial Make Discord server to chat with other makers!


Thanks @samliew - I did not know that there was a limit of 5000 characters for a script. I actually managed to solve it in a different way. I used a JS validator ( and then copied their output which didn’t look different to me, and it managed to save it. I wonder if they removed some characters, it doesn’t look like they did. See the script below:

function GroupByApp(inputArray) {
  const debugMode = 1;

  const appFriendlyNames = {
    'olk.exe': 'Outlook',
    'POWERPNT.EXE': 'PowerPoint',
    'ms-teams.exe': 'Microsoft Teams',
    'EXCEL.EXE': 'Excel',
    'slack.exe': 'Slack',
    'explorer.exe': 'File Explorer',
    'WINWORD.EXE': 'Word',
    'CamtasiaStudio.exe': 'Camtasia Video Editor',
    'SnagitEditor.exe': 'SnagIt',
    'WhatsApp.exe': 'WhatsApp Web',
    'Microsoft.Media.Player.exe': 'Media Player',

  const employeeData = [];
  const today = new Date();
  today.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); // Set to start of today
  const yesterday = new Date(today);
  yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1); // Set to start of yesterday

  inputArray.forEach((collection) => {
    const logTime = new Date(collection.time);
    logTime.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); // Set to start of the log's date

    // Process only if the log is from yesterday
    if (logTime.getTime() === yesterday.getTime()) {
      const { user } = collection;
      let userIndex = employeeData.findIndex((u) => u.employee === user);

      // Initialize user data if not already present
      if (userIndex === -1) {
          employee: user,
          totalDuration: 0,
          firstLog: collection.time,
          lastLog: collection.time,
          apps: [],
          browserWebsites: [],
        userIndex = employeeData.length - 1;

      const userObject = employeeData[userIndex];
      const duration = parseFloat(collection.duration); // Convert duration to a number

      // Update total duration regardless of the duration of the individual activity
      if (!isNaN(duration)) {
        userObject.totalDuration += duration;

      // Update firstLog and lastLog
      const currentTime = new Date(collection.time);
      if (new Date(userObject.firstLog) > currentTime) {
        userObject.firstLog = collection.time;
      if (new Date(userObject.lastLog) < currentTime) {
        userObject.lastLog = collection.time;

      const app = collection.executable;
      const friendlyAppName = appFriendlyNames[app] || app; // Translate to friendly name

      // In debug mode, add all apps and websites without filtering
      if (debugMode === 1) {
        const appIndex = userObject.apps.findIndex((a) => === friendlyAppName);
        if (appIndex === -1) {
          userObject.apps.push({ name: friendlyAppName, duration });
        } else {
          userObject.apps[appIndex].duration += duration;

        if (app === 'chrome.exe' || app === 'msedge.exe') {
          const website = || 'Unknown';
          const websiteIndex = userObject.browserWebsites.findIndex((w) => === website);
          if (websiteIndex === -1) {
            userObject.browserWebsites.push({ name: website, duration });
          } else {
            userObject.browserWebsites[websiteIndex].duration += duration;
      } else {
        // Normal mode with filters
        // Handle browser separately for productivity -1, 0, and 1
        if ((app === 'chrome.exe' || app === 'msedge.exe') && (collection.productivity === -1 || collection.productivity === 0 || collection.productivity === 1)) {
          const website = || 'Unknown';
          // Exclude '' domain
          if (!website.includes('')) {
            const websiteIndex = userObject.browserWebsites.findIndex((w) => === website);
            if (websiteIndex === -1) {
              userObject.browserWebsites.push({ name: website, duration });
            } else {
              userObject.browserWebsites[websiteIndex].duration += duration;
        } else if ((collection.productivity === 0 || collection.productivity === 1) && duration >= 60) {
          // Process apps only for productivity 0 and 1
          const appIndex = userObject.apps.findIndex((a) => === friendlyAppName);
          if (appIndex === -1) {
            userObject.apps.push({ name: friendlyAppName, duration });
          } else {
            userObject.apps[appIndex].duration += duration;

  // Sort apps and browser websites by duration, descending
  employeeData.forEach((userObject) => {
    userObject.apps.sort((a, b) => b.duration - a.duration);
    if (userObject.browserWebsites.length > 0) {
      userObject.browserWebsites.sort((a, b) => b.duration - a.duration);

  return employeeData;

The tool you used formatted your code and also reduced your indentation whitespace from 4 to 2 characters.

There are definitely changes, if you run the before and after through a text compare/diff tool.

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