my formulas are quickly outgrowing the size of the tiny editors provided within each module, which is making it difficult to write formulas beyond a certain point.
I was hoping I could expand these fields into larger editors, but I don’t see such a function. am I missing something?
does anyone write their formulas in external editors before placing them in if so, how do you ensure the editor recognizes “aaaBbb(” or “;” or “)” as system functions?
I use notepad++ for writing anything and then copy paste it in the Make fields.
Best way to learn the special symbols is to copy them from Make in the editor of your choice and see what they look like yourself. Then you can start recognizing the logic and writing them directly.
Most of them are in brackets like this - {{(}} or {{"}}. Same for any fields you want to map - its the number of the module you are mapping from followed by the exact name of the field.