Are there any plans for a ‘Gmail Draft Response’ functionality? I’ve heard Zapier already has this, so I’m wondering why it hasn’t arrived on Make by now?
With the arrival of Chat GPT assistant etc, it would be such a useful function.
To reiterate - I’m looking to have a draft drawn up in response to an existing email thread. So in effect, I could simply open the draft, review it, and click send to continue the communication.
I’ve seen this has been asked before, however the posts have closed without much to add on the topic and were a year old or so.
Otherwise, I’d be interested if anyone has found a workaround for this? Or simply used Zapier instead? (not an ideal work around)
Cheers for any responses!
Instead of the Gmail integration, you can also use the Email integration, which also supports Gmail.
The Email integration has a Create a Draft module.
If you want a Create a Draft module in Gmail, feel free to request it in the improvement center:
You can submit this suggestion to the Idea exchange, under App improvement ideas.
Don’t forget to search for it first, just in case someone already suggested it, so that you don’t end up creating a duplicate.

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Hi @SdogEeinnarg
We understand that you wish to create a Draft for an existing thread. This can be achieved using the Gmail module’s Make an API Call.
Alternatively, you can simply use the below tool:
If you require additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
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Thanks for your response. I noticed you reply to previous posts on this topic too. I’m afraid I’m not interested in paying for another subscription to get around this. It really feels like it should be baked into Make and shouldn’t require a third party extension.
Thanks again though!
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Creating a generic draft isn’t what I’m talking about. I’m looking to create a draft in direct response to an email, so you could effectively just press ‘Send’ and continue the email thread. As far as I can find, this isn’t possible as yet (without a paid third party solution).
I’ve now created a app improvement idea post below:
I’m surprised this hasn’t already been created or been asked for more by now - to me it would be awesome for email management with the arising AI tools on offer.
No worries. Thanks for the update. If needed, we can give the app for lifetime access for a greater discount. The app is based on Gmail APIs.
If you require additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
MSquare Support | Book Live Implementation
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