Gmail Draft in Same Email Thread

Hi all :slight_smile:

Wondering if anyone has created the scenario to draft a Gmail email in the same thread using this technique. I am looking for a blueprint, happy to purchase it please let me know.

To help with someone else reading this, I’ll link directly to the post that contains the info you’ve provided in the screenshot.

If you check that thread, MSquare posted a custom app that might help, have you tried or are you trying to avoid custom apps?

Thanks so much for the reply. I cannot afford the custom app as it is per workplace and I need to set this up on multiple ones so would like to learn how to do it. I am comfortable with most of it just trying to figure out what goes into the last HTTP modules.

@KyleBehrend Okay, so to create a draft, here’s one way:

HTTP Make an OAuth 2.0 request (set it up as described in the docs you referenced in your first post)


Body type, Content type, and Request content

Thread ID comes directly from the GMail module that received the message you’re replying to. The key here is adding this threadId, otherwise it just comes out as a standard draft message.

Encoded Message you will need to build. At a minimum, to make sense as a draft reply, it should contain To, From, Subject, and Body.

Encoded Message is these components base64-encoded

Unencoded Message is the actual text

To and Subject come from the Gmail module that received the message we are replying to. I pre-pending the subject with "Re: ".

Body is in there too, but it’s just text. I believe it would also support HTML, but haven’t tested.

Please see blueprint for demo. For this, I configured the source Gmail module to pull in unread emails from my “Test” folder (emails labeled “Test”).

GmailDraftReply.json (21.2 KB)

Hope this helps!


@Donald_Mitchell Thank you so so much!! I will try this out but I think this is exactly what I was looking for!! Please let me know if you have one of the ‘buy me a coffee’ type things to give you a little thanks!! Much appreciated!!

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Hi @KyleBehrend,

That’s not necessary, but I appreciate it!

Just let us know how it’s going and if you need help tweaking it some more to fit your use.
