Gmail html tags problem


I want to display a thumbnail image in a gmail message however the module add a back slash to before the url. How can I correct this?

“cc”: ,
“to”: [
“bcc”: ,
“from”: “”,
“html”: “

Thank you for your message.

Check out our very personal video message:

<a href="2" target="_blank"> <**img src="**\\\” alt="Video Thumbnail" style="width:100%;max-width:400px;height:auto;border:1px solid #ddd;border-radius:5px">

“subject”: “Your personal Video”,

Download input

“messageId”: “

see screenshot the the html message:

Hi Stanislas_Berteloot, if I get you correctly, you mean the Gmail module is adding a backslash to the thumbnail URL. I believe this can easily be removed using replace().

Hi Emmanuel,

sorry the input bundle did show the issue. here is a screenshot. Since my html seems correct, I am not sure how to proceed.
I am the only one not able to show a thumbnail in the body of a message?

Ok , I see the input, This can be extracted with regex. For instance this the string from the bundle you just showed me


Using regex, this is the output

something like this?

Thanks for looking into this Emmanuel,
what I don’t get is that the email coming from Synthesia seems clean:

I see, at what point does the backslash start to appear, you could do a screen record to make it clearer

here it is. I am SO puzzled

ahhh…i see what you mean, can we hop on a call, let me see if I can help

Thank you @Emmanuel_Momoh for jumping in a call with me.
You solved it!
You suggested to remove the “” that surround the url and it worked!

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You’re welcome, @Stanislas_Berteloot :blush:!. Glad I could help.

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