Google Auth invalid_grant error - anybody faces the issue?

Anybody else has the issue with consumer Google accounts? I had issues with some Google services in the past, notably with Google Drive (Integromat needed elevated privileges) or with Google Cloud apps requiring certification before using with Integromat and being able to maintain the authentication.

However now I have a different account and use only very simple workflow from Airtable to Google Photos, new picture in Airtable attachment field - upload to Google Photos.

Works fine, except the authentication connection to Google Photos gets disconnected after about 24 hours.

Do I need to mess around with Google Photos API settings?

This is a pretty simple workflow, I am not doing any deletion operation (e.g. not moving images between one folder to the next in Google Photos), which would require elevated privileges.

I tried multiple times to sign in sign out of Google account, recreate connection from scratch, doesn’t matter.

Google connections give me real trouble and that’s not the first time, it has been like this for years as I say, with different apps, different google accounts, doesn’t matter, with or without 2FA, doesn’t matter.

Failed to verify connection 'Google Photos '. Account error (invalid_grant)

Anyways, I searched and seems there are some suggestions here so I will try to do this and get back here again if it doesn’t work:

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Awesome, feel free to let us know if these threads help you out :sunglasses:

Hi all, I am facing a similar problem.
The previous link with a guide on how to create a connection “connecting google services using a custom oauth client” doesn’t work, I will share a new link, maybe it will be useful to someone.,with%20Make%2C%20and%20click%20Save

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