Google Calendar Event to Autogenerate another Google Calendar Event in another Google Calendar

Hello @Jorge_Fuentes and welcome to the Make Community!

There is no frequency you can select for instant/immediate as this is a polling trigger and will only run on a schedule, which can be as little as every minute on some plans, but of course that can use up a lot of operations.

There are some workarounds…

Using Mailhook (easier method)
Set up Google such that it sends an email on new events.
That email can be sent to a Mailhook address which will trigger the scenario.
Others have mentioned this here and here.

Using Webhooks and helper scenario (more complicated setup)

  • Set your scenario to run “On Demand”
  • Create a second helper scenario with two modules - Webhook → Make Run a Scenario (to run the first scenario).

With this, visiting the webhook address given to you by the webhook module in the second scenario will cause scenario #1 to run.
Now, using the instructions provided here, set up Google to call the webhook whenever a change is made to your calendar.

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